buttercupbus branded campervan hire case study
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Wrapped, Branded Campervan Hire in London – Product sampling – Briogeo

We Provided a Branded Campervan Hire National Sampling Tour for a well known chocolate biscuit brand, including a full laminate wrap and logistics, as part of our branded camper services.

Branded Campervan Hire National Sampling Tour

We Provided a Vinyl Wrapped, Branded VW Camper with Driver for a National Sampling Tour

  •  We provided a fully vinyl wrapped classic VW camper for the tour
  • Transporter for the long distance part of the tour, and driver services for the London leg
  • We also provided logistics planning and risk assessments for the whole tour
  • Custom branded interior design – including turning the front wheel cover into a giant biscuit
  • Were involved in a London based photoshoot to create media content for the tour
classic camper hire
branded camper tour

Vinyl Wrapped Classic Camper for Well Known Biscuit Brand

We worked hand in hand with a well known biscuit brand to aid their national sampling tour, working across several locations in the UK.

We promoted the biscuit brand at several venues around the country, including a photoshoot at Potters Fields Park, where we were careful to protect the grass at all costs by providing crew and track mats to ensure there was no contact.

The campervan logistics were managed by us, making use of our transporter service for longer distances, and our direct driver for the local London leg of the tour. Our driver team ensured that we were set up in line with H&S requirements at each site, supported by traceable paperwork.

We also distributed products, with our vehicle (Billie) being stocked with biscuits for the tour.

How Did We Help?

We applied a full vinyl wrap and custom interior design on the campervan for this project, working with our client to ensure the designs and measurements were exactly what they were after.


branded VW camper hire

Branded VW Camper with Full Vinyl Wrap

We provided a fully vinyl wrapped classic VW camper, designed using the well known biscuit brands iconic logo and colours to convey their brand and their needs for the tour.

VW Camper branding

Custom Branded Interior Design

We included a full custom brand interior design to the clients specifications, including turning the front wheel cover into a giant chocolate biscuit.

branded camper hire

Transportation and Logistics

This was a national tour with long distance travelling – so we provided our transporter services, as well as our own driver for the London leg.

This included facilitation around access constraints, security regulations for each event, installation of the set-up at each venue (often at early or late hours where the site was clear of the public) and regional secure storage of the vehicle throughout the tour.

We also provided crew and track mats in order to protect the grass at Potters Fields Park, which was the location for a photoshoot to promote the tour.


Classic camper hire

Camper DJ Booth

As well as supplying the branding for the events, Billie the classic camper was also turned into a DJ Booth for the tour, providing product sampling across the whole tour.








Classic Camper Branding – Unique Advertisement

If you’re looking to promote your brand on a national tour, or just for a one off event, a classic VW camper might just be what you’re looking for!

We offer a wide range of campers and a VW Beetle as part of our many packages, and are here to support and guide your vision every step of the way – from the design of vinyl wraps to the logistics of your tour.

Classic VW campers offer something truly unique and can go a long way to getting your brand out there for the world to see, with that sprinkling of nostalgia and freedom to boot!

To find out more about our branded camper services, visit our website at buttercupbus.com. You can also take a look at the other amazing events we’ve been part of underneath.

We’re here to help!


camper advertisement

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