Xmas Campervan Photobooth for “Natural Instinct” promotional event
Our Campervan Photoboths love nothing more than to get dressed up for a festive theme – so we were thrilled when Natural Instinct booked our Xmas Surrey Campervan Photoboth for promotional event.
To add a really interesting dynamic to this event, we would be inviting pet owners and their dogs into the camperbooth to strike a pose. The dogs looked super cool in their festive props, including reindeer antlers and santa hats! We are used to our four legged friends in the camperbooth, and have run quite a few dog photobooths for promotional events and pet brands now!
Every guest was provided with a branded instant print – and images could also be downloaded from our secure online gallery after the event.
The campervan photobooth really looked the part, with it’s HUGE light up “Photos” sign on the roof.
The campervan photobooth came with festive themed props
The camper photobooth came with all the festive props to include:
- Snow carpet
- Picket fencing
- Giant wicker reindeer
- Mistletoe, holly, bells and stars
- Themed photobooth props to include antlers, halos, santa hats and elf hats
- Festive music to sing along to
- Huge, light up “Photos” sign on the roof
- Instant, branded photo prints with a festive theme
We had some rather special guests on the day, to include two real reindeer brought to the show by another supplier. They made good friends with our own wicker reindeer!
We also had the pleasure of meeting Father Christmas, who enjoyed taking part in the campervan photobooth, and posed with a few of the dogs too!
You can see a picture of Santa in the instant prints below, along with a photo of me with one of our Buttercup Bus team members, running the photobooth! Never a dull day at work eh? Ha ha!
If you would like to find our more bout our campervan photobooths, check out our branded camoervan photobooths for promotional events or indeed our standard VW Camper photobooths for private events.

Photo Credits:
- Photo credit to Kevin Hicks, who took photos of our campervan photobooth service on the day.
- Instant prints produced by Buttercup Bus VW Campers as part of the campervan photobooth service.