Basil Bus gets some beautiful new campervan wedding bunting
Today, an exciting package arrived in the post. It was a beautifully packaged box, lined with purple tiisue paper. What was inside?…. A beautiful set of pink and green pastel campervan wedding bunting for Basil Bus.
The bunting has a lovely back-story. It was sent to us by the lovely people at Blue Sky Bunting in Kent. We got to know this amazing company though the Key Worker Wedding giveaway, that we are both contributing to.
Once we got to know them through the Key Worker Wedidng group, I started to follow them on Instagram. I was absoutely amazed by their beautful, high quality bunting – and there was one set in particular that I knew would match Basil the wedding campervan’s pastel green paintwork perfectly – their Gemma bunting. (I absolutely love how they name their bunting – just like we name our campervans!!!)

Basil Bus gets some beautiful new campervan wedding bunting
Today, an exciting package arrived in the post. It was a beautifully packaged box, lined with purple tiisue paper. What was inside?…. A beautiful set of pink and green pastel campervan wedding bunting for Basil Bus.
The bunting has a lovely back-story. It was sent to us by the lovely people at Blue Sky Bunting in Kent. We got to know this amazing company though the Key Worker Wedding giveaway, that we are both contributing to.
Once we got to know them through the Key Worker Wedidng group, I started to follow them on Instagram. I was absoutely amazed by their beautful, high quality bunting – and there was one set in particular that I knew would match Basil the wedding campervan’s pastel green paintwork perfectly – their Gemma bunting. (I absolutely love how they name their bunting – just like we name our campervans!!!)
Kindness from Blue Sky Bunting
At Blue Sky Bunting, you can hire their bunting – which is hand made. I was lucky enough to be gifted some campervan wedding bunting for Basil Bus – I was absolutely blown away by the generosity and kindness! They also suggested that perhaps I made a donation to the NHS instead – a very fitting suggestion, in current times – and in tune with the Key Worker Wedding initiative.
The Maudsley Charity
We decided to represent our home town, Croydon, and donated to the COVID-19 emergency appeal for Maudsley Charity. They use funds to invest in and promote projects and research that make a tangible difference to the treatment and care of mental health service users. They work in partnership with South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and King’s College London.
Hire your bunting from Blue Sky Bunting in Kent
Blue Sky Bunting not only hire some of the nicest, large, thick and well made bunting – they also have a good stock of fine bone china for vintage themed weddings. You can also get that perfect, stylish look, with their drapes, rose bushes, antique suitcases, book & teapot towers and carpet runners. They are always building their stock, and have a treasure trove of beautiful embellishments for your special day – be it a village hall, barn or marquee event. You can see more of their lovely products and services here:
Bunting and campervans go hand in hand
Campervans were made fore bunting – especially beautiful, big flags of perfectly complementing colours and vintage patterns. Basil Bus and all our other campervan brothers and sisters in our fleet look amazing dolled up, proudly sporting their Blue Sky bunting flags.
If you are looking for your campervan wedding transport, please contact us, to find out more!

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