Pantone Living Coral - a retro 1970s vibe

Pantone announce their colour of the year for 2019.

So, if you are planning your wedding in 2019, and have been pondering over the colour scheme, it will have been hard to escape this week’s hot news over the pantone colour of 2019 – PANTONE 16-1546 Living Coral.

“Living Coral” brings a warm 70s vibe.

It has certainly divided views. Personally, I love it! A popular retro choice, with it appearing in fashion, interior decor and homeware throughout the 1950s to 1970s. (Remember those coral and avacado bathroom suites – or am I just showing my age here?) Check out out Pinterest board in this post where this colour is clearly illustrated as a fabulous retro colour!

It’s interesting, because the Pantone website lists suggested colour pallettes to show how we can effectively mix and match with “Living Coral” . Our Pinterest board shows how these combinations have been tried and tested in the past.

“Under the sea” pallette similar colours to our wedding campervans.

Personally my favourite is the “Under the sea” pallete shown below. Noted are the vibrant yellow and limpet shell shades which emulate our very own campervans, Belinda and Bumble, shown in the header of this blog post. This is no suprise, as our campervans are all from the 1970s. When we selecetd their colour, we needed to find a balance between respecting the era of the vehicle, and finding a colour that would be appealing to our hirers.

A serious message.

The most positive thing to draw out of this colour of the year announcement is that at least the shade and name provides a reminder to our responsibilities to protect the environment. 

In the same week that the “Living Coral” pantone colour for 2019 was announced, Sir David Attenborough attended the UN climate change summit. He  advised world leaders that “We are facing a manmade disaster of global scale, our greatest threat in thousands of years: climate change”. “If we don’t take action, the collapse of our civilisations and the extinction of much of the natural world is on the horizon.” 

Warming oceans are expected to kill parts of our coral reefs, with terrible effects on the complex ecosystems that depend on them.

Whilst making pantone colour of 2019 “Living Coral” is not going to solve the world’s climate change problems, it at least engages our mind on the world’s manmade environmental challenges and the responsibiities we all have to look after our planet. This is something our own company will be continuing to focus on in the year ahead.


Photo credits in header image: