The lovely Martin has been helping out at the Buttercup Bus camp this month. Yep, that’s Mart, below… in a wig, posing at a campervan photo-booth we did last month!


photo booth surrey

Mart posing at a recent VW Camper photo booth

Mart has been supporting us with check in and check out self drive campervan hire – but this week, he got behind the wheel of our retro VW beetle for a Surrey wedding (and yes, he took the wig off and left the inflatable guitar behind!)

He has written the blog entry below to share his experience of his first VW wedding….. Mart over to you!



So yesterday, I teamed up with Pushka the cream wedding campervan, and drove Beatrix Beetle the new edition to the Buttercup Bus Family down to sunny Farnham, for a wedding.

Having never driven a left hand drive OLD SCHOOL!!!!! Beetle, I was quite nervous, however driving this little bug, was actually a pleasure.

Surrey wedding beetle

Beatrix wedding beetle

Starting up this little beast is awesome, What a Noise!!! Actually gave me goose-bumps. After I accustomed myself to Beatrix, she purred out of Croydon and onto the M25, where she burst into life, and into the dizzy heights of 4th gear, and was a joy to be in.

I was happy on the motorway and so was Beatrix, I was then getting a little nervous as I had to get off and venture, down some winding little country roads, which I took very carefully as I did not want any scratches, dents or bumps.

We then arrived at the Hotel, where we picked up the Bride, Laura, her parents and bridesmaids, and departed for the ceremony which was at Northbrook Park. It was in a beautiful setting, almost like an old stately home.

We then parked Beatrix and Pushka up on the sweeping gravel drive, where everyone admired them with plenty of photo opportunities. There were also some unexpected but lovely visitors, in the shape of Peacocks… in fact one looked as if it wanted to jump into Pushka and check her out!!!!!!

vw camper beetle wedding surrey

Pushka and Beatrix, keeping each other company

One of the Peacocks kept squarking…it must have approved of it’s new four wheeled friends!!!!!!!

We then got a few more snaps with the other quests in Pushka and Beatrix, and then it was home time, which personally I was excited about as it meant I got to get behind the wheel of Beatrix again.

As we left the sun was slowly setting and the M25 was just starting to swing into life, it was a sad feeling as I knew that my time in Beatrix was coming to an end, UNTIL THE NEXT TIME!!!!!.


ButtercupBus VW Camper and Beetle Hire – London