Buttercup Bus VW Camper Hire Go To The Slough Swap Meet

Today, the Buttercup Bus VW Camper Hire gang went to check out the National Indoor VW Slough Swap Meet, held at the Montem Sports Centre.

As we approached the carpark, we were directed to the overflow spaces…a promising indication that the main parking area would be filled with lots of camper eye candy! This is directly where we headed, before diving into the auto jumble anticipated in the sports hall.


Slough Swap Meet 2011 Splitties

Slough Swap Meet 2011 Splitties - loved the blue 62 Crew Cab owned by Mr Skyway!

Sure enough, there was an array of beautiful campers and beetles, glistening in the 19 degrees sunshine (not bad for a November afternoon). Some of the owners were selling their wares from the carpark, Delboy style, others had staged their buses to pose for pictures, decked with bunting and vintage paraphernalia.

Slough Swap Meet 2011 Bay Camper

Slough Swap Meet 2011 Bay Camper

I took the oportunity to take a few shots, picking up inspiration for our third campervan currently under restoration for the 2012 season.

Taxi style beetles

Taxi style beetles

I then decided to venture into the sports hall, rooting in my handbag for the £4 entry fee. There were plenty of stalls selling various parts, restoration services and promoting VW events.

Slough Swap Meet Stalls

Slough Swap Meet Stalls

I made a bee line to the SW Works Camper Conversion stall, to get ideas for Buttercup’s upholstery and the design of a new detachable kitchen unit. The guy on the stall seemed enthusiastic and full of ideas… we will certainly be getting in touch!

My daughter was delighted with the V-Dub Island stall (advertising their Caribbean Christmas event from 2nd to 6th Aug 2012), where she was handed a lollypop with their flyer… it was great to see her fascination with all the wares on display even at 2 years  old!

Daughter gets down with the VDub Scene

Daughter gets down with the VDub Scene

I was looking for a couple of late bay rear bumpers, but we ended up leaving without any treasures – we did pick up lots of ideas though, and really enjoyed seeing all the campers parked up, and chatting to the owners! All in all, an enjoyable day out!


Lots of VW treasures for sale

Lots of VW treasures for sale