Now, being 7 months pregnant, having a 2 year old to look after and a husband that works overseas, getting to go out mid week evenings can
certainly present its challenges… and as I have become rounder, the lure of putting my feet up becomes increasingly enticing…. but sometimes there are nights out which just cannot be missed…. Last night was a case of “Feet up or Tweet up” … and quite frankly, nothing was going to stop me getting to this Weddings in Surrey event. At all costs, Cinderella must go to the ball (ie Pushka the campervan must get out and pose with her finest ribbon regalia!)
So, after juggling some convoluted childcare options, I jumped into my cream campervan and cruised down to Fetcham Park… a short
drive from our base in Croydon.(I will admit to listening to some rather cheesy music and singing all the way!) I was looking forwards to meeting some of Surrey’s finest wedding suppliers, finding out more about their trades and telling them all about the Buttercup Bus gang!
Pushka managed to get a prime parking spot, right outside the entrance of the rather plush wedding venue. I was instantly greeted by one
of my lovely brides to be…, Emma, who we will be providing wedding transport for in 6 months.
We were handed goody bags and at the entrance and worked our way through the 160 strong crowd to one of the reception rooms – a decadent
room with the focal point being a table spread with intricate floral decorations and delicious looking cakes. It was hard work to avert my eyes from this work of art, but the rest of the room demanded attention, including the rather grand ceiling.
As I moseyed around, baby bump proudly in front, I met (or should I say “bumped”) into a host of suppliers to include some of Emma’s well chosen cake (Jess Hill Cakes) and flower (Fairynuff Flowers) ladies.

Models dressed in stunning wedding gear. Makeup by
We shared stories and experiences gained from an industry that we were so privileged to work in, having a laugh along the way. The
evening was fun but educational too, as guest speaker, Steve Hooper (well known on Twitter as @UKWeddingSEO), shared his wisdom on SEO and high page rankings, the holy grail of every wedding supplier!
The time flied by, but despite munching through the delicious canapés on offer, baby bump (fondy known as Pumpkin) decided that it
was time to head home for pizza, so I headed back to my trusty set of wheels, and made my way back to Croydon, turning quite a few heads with Pushka’s good looks along the way.
I am looking forwards to reading the host of blogs that I am sure will come form last night’s event, and hope to see some of the professional pictures that will kick ass over my own poor attempts – there were a lot of great photographers there, to include Jude Middleton from EFC Photography, Fiona Kelly, Anneamarie Stepney , Julie Anne and who could forget the lovely ladies representing Croydon… Susan and Kerry from The Happiest Day Photography.
I would like to thank Pamela, Wedding in Surrey’s genius, who organised this event, which quickly got booked out, it was so popular. It
was great to finally meet the lady who has helped to put Buttercup Bus VW Campers on the Surrey Wedding Map!
Nathalie (The Croydon Campervan Lady from Buttercup Bus VW Campers)