by Nathalie - Buttercup Bus Vintage Campers | Jan 14, 2014 | Uncategorized
First of all this is our first blog post of 2014 – hurrah! We have BIG plans for Buttercupbus and can’t wait to take you on this journey with us as 2014 is going to be a bumper year. Gushing aside. We wanted to do a blog series on our fellow wedding...
by Nathalie - Buttercup Bus Vintage Campers | Sep 17, 2013 | Weddings
The lovely Martin has been helping out at the Buttercup Bus camp this month. Yep, that’s Mart, below… in a wig, posing at a campervan photo-booth we did last month! Mart has been supporting us with check in and check out self drive campervan hire...
by Nathalie - Buttercup Bus Vintage Campers | Jun 24, 2013 | Weddings
To celebrate the arrival of Beatrix our wedding Beetle in London, we would like to take you to the movies with us and roll off some amazing beetle movie/tv moments! The ButtercupBus crew have been getting all excited about growing the VW camper family at our Croydon...
by Nathalie - Buttercup Bus Vintage Campers | Jun 16, 2013 | London VW Camper Hire, Weddings
Now, running a VW Camper hire business, I get to meet many wonderful people who have a love for all things V-Dub… but Helen and Darren’s Surrey campervan wedding back in April was something quite special. VW Campers had been in their family history,...
by Nathalie - Buttercup Bus Vintage Campers | Jan 21, 2013 | London VW Camper Hire, Weddings
On Sunday, Buttercup Bus exhibited all three of their retro VW Campers at the Croydon Park Hotel wedding fair. Now, we are no strangers to wedding fairs, having participated at many in the past – however, this was our first one in the snow! It bucketed down with...