by Nathalie - Buttercup Bus Vintage Campers | Jun 16, 2013 | London VW Camper Hire, Weddings
Now, running a VW Camper hire business, I get to meet many wonderful people who have a love for all things V-Dub… but Helen and Darren’s Surrey campervan wedding back in April was something quite special. VW Campers had been in their family history,...
by Nathalie - Buttercup Bus Vintage Campers | May 22, 2013 | London VW Camper Hire, Misc, Uncategorized, VDub Events
Helter-skelters, crazy drummers, 12ft tall aliens, robots with beards and Arabian royalty hanging out with Freddy Mercury… it could only be found at the mystical Bearded Theory festival near Derby. Every year, we look to pack one of our VW Campers and head off...
by Nathalie - Buttercup Bus Vintage Campers | Mar 10, 2013 | London VW Camper Hire
Gas safety certified VW Camper rental Buttercup Bus Vintage Campers gas certify their campervans in line with insurance requirements, for their self-drive classic campervan rental services. This gas safety certification in the VW Campers is done annually. OUR SERVICES...
by Nathalie - Buttercup Bus Vintage Campers | Mar 5, 2013 | Uncategorized
What a lovely day for a trip to the Upholsterers as the sun is beaming here in Croydon. Darling Belinda our blue camper is off for her second day of pampering having an interior makeover. Her cute new curtains are up! Next up is her rather smart leather lined roof....
by Nathalie - Buttercup Bus Vintage Campers | Feb 27, 2013 | Uncategorized
Picnic. What a great word huh! According to Wikipedia ‘A picnic is a pleasure excursion at which a meal is eaten outdoors’. And the key to a great picnic is apparently the location which should be in a park or by a lake which made me chuckle! Staring out of the...